Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hello Again -- We are 33 weeks 3 days!

Baby J's "Stats":
Head to Heal: 20 inches
Weight: 4.5 lbs
Size: Pineapple

The baby continues to grow and gain weight rapidly. The level of the amniotic fluid has reached its max. There now is more baby than fluid. Which means the pushes, nudges, kicks, punches, and squirming around is no longer as cushioned as before. I am feeling everything these days! :) Its pretty amazing and a great feeling. Baby's starting to really get some power behind some of those movements though. LOL The baby is starting to keep its eyes open while its awake. As the uterine walls continue to get thinner the baby will become more and more aware of day and night, when to sleep and when to be awake. Lets just hope he/she remembers once it enters the world. :) The digestive system is all set. The baby's immune system is up and working and will be able to prevent mild infections and will start to create antibodies that he/she will get from me. The baby's fingernails now reach the end of the fingertips.

Things are going well for me. Getting bigger and bigger each week, which is a good thing. Its welcomed; I want a nice healthy baby. I am still teaching yoga and I am hoping to be able to continue through the end of April.  For the most part I am still able to do everything. Its definitely different doing yoga and having a big belly, though.

My work baby shower went great! We played some fun games, and had good food. We got some cute clothes and some things off our registry.

The nursery is still a work in progress. Brian is in the process of getting the chandelier installed. The crib mattress and changing table are ordered and just waiting for them to arrive. The last "big" thing is to find a glider.
I went out and bought a bunch of newborn clothes, in both boy and girl. I was starting to panic that I didn't have any clothes and that the baby would have nothing to wear in the hospital and the first few weeks at home. Between what I have found and what my mom found, I think we are all set with newborn clothes. My stress level continues to decrease as things are being crossed off the list! :)

Brian and I started a Baby Jeffery "Guessing" Pool. If you'd like to participate and win some money you can mail me our guesses and money. Then, we wait for the big day to see the winners. Its $2 per guess and we have 4 categories:
*Time (by the hour) ie: 12:00pm, 6:00am, etc...
The doctor said the baby is average size. Its not too big, but not too small. He thinks I will have no issues and will go full term. I haven't had any health problems or anything else that would lead to an early delivery. And I am still contraction free. Brian was a BIG baby, I think he said he was 10 or 11 lbs and 23 inches long. I was 7 pounds 2 ounces and 20 inches long. My due date is May 9th. I don't think I am missing anything. That should help you make your guesses.
We are also asking that you pick a gender. We will use that as a tie breaker. If there is still more than one winner in a category, the money will be divided among the winners. Email me if you have any questions or if you need our mailing address.

31 Weeks 3 Days, Baby shower day!

32 Weeks

Months 7 (28 weeks) & 8 (32 weeks)