Saturday, January 26, 2013

Baby J Update! They finally fixed the glitch. Make sure to check out the photos at the bottom! :)

Baby Js "stats":
Head to Heel Height: About 10 inches
Weight: About 1lb 10oz
Size: An Eggplant

25 Weeks:
Baby's starting to open its eyes. There is very little pigmentation in the eyes at the moment. As the weeks go on the pigment will fill in. A baby's eyes may change color until he/she is 1 year old. So who knows if Baby will have pretty green eyes like mommy or gorgeous blue eyes like daddy. :)
Brain wave activity is kicking into gear as well. Not only can Baby hear noises but he/she can now respond with movement and kicks. Baby's sense of touch is starting to increase. Its learning to feel its own face, and can sense touches from outside the womb. Mommy and Daddy are becoming very familiar and soothing for the baby. For the past few weeks, Baby has been mastering the technique of sucking and swallowing the amniotic fluid. They say I may even start to feel hiccups. I don't think I have though. I sure do feel lots of movement and kicks. I read that babies in the womb usually sleep about 16 hours a day... I don't believe our baby does. I feel movement all day, and when I wake up at night, baby's moving then too. I've also read that Brian may be able to hear the baby's heart beat now. Brian says he may have heard it, but that I had a lot of gurgling going on! Lol! I get to experience everything, but this would be something only HE would get to hear and experience. I thought that would be something special for him. We'll have to keep trying!

Maternity clothes are just around the corner for me. My days of regular clothes are limited. I am thankful to make it this long though. Also, my belly button is almost all the way out. Just waiting for the bottom part to pop out. :) Lol

We had our 24 week (6 month) check up, last Friday. Everything is still looking great! I knew I was getting near the time for the glucose testing. I was right. I have to drink the "yummy"  drink and get my blood drawn before our next appt. Glucose testing is to check for gestational diabetes. I get to fast for 12 hours, drink 10 ounces of pure sugary goodness within 5 minutes, and make sure my blood is drawn before an hour after drinking the glucose. Yay, sounds fun, right?! Hopefully everything comes back good though. I'd be very upset with myself, if I do happen to have gestational diabetes. I have been trying to be so good.
So, after my next appt on Feb 15, I will then be in my 3rd and final trimester, which means I will be in the OB office every two weeks (instead of every 4) until my last month, and then it will be weekly until I "pop". We are on the downward slope, people! Getting pretty excited. Can't believe how fast time has flown.

Brian and I met with the daycare provider last weekend. And we love her. Its a small world, turns out, Brian plays basketball with her husband. He said that hes a really nice guy too. We are very thankful to find someone. We think shes going to work out great. My neighbor, Darcy, is even going to put her boy in her daycare too, for when he starts kindergarten in the fall.

Well, I can't seem to think of anything else. Have a great weekend, all!

The old dresser my mom found while she was here. (Before)

After (You can also kind of see the walls we painted for the nursery. Just have to put up the chair rail.)

The cute little chandelier we found for the nursery. (Before)

After (I still need to find the right lamp shades for them. And obviously it still needs to be installed.)

Baby J's first outfit from Great Grandma Diane.

Baby's first Seahawks Jersey.

21 weeks 5 days

24 weeks 3 days

25 weeks, Baby's as big as an Eggplant. :) Little heavier though.
And lastly, a little video of our little munchkin bouncing, kicking, and moving around. Enjoy! :)