Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas!
As promised, I have an update and some pictures! :)
We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday (Friday, December 21st). Everything went very well. We got to see and watch the baby for about 45 minutes! Baby J wasn't cooperating for the Tech, which meant extra time for us to watch our baby. :) Eventually she got all the images she needed to make the determination that everything looks great, normal, and right on track. All it's bones and organs are working and operating as supposed to. Baby's measuring 7 inches and weighing 11 oz. Our Doctor said it best, that the baby's body is the size and weight of a soda can. Just picture a soda can and legs and arms sticking out! Pretty cute, right? :) My mom was even here to see her first grand baby for the first time. It was so special for all of us!

On Monday (December 17th) Brian was finally able to feel the baby kick for the first time! It was a nice little moment for us. :)

I hope everybody has a very Merry Christmas and an awesome New Year. Love and miss you all.

Baby J from his/her profile. You can even see all 4 chambers of the heart!
It's cute little foot and toes.

It popped out! 19 Weeks 4 Days

Watch my belly grow. :) A collage of the first 4 months.