Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hey All-
Thanks again for taking the time to check our blog. Today marks 17 weeks and 5 days. The baby is now the size of a sweet potato. He or She is about 5.5 inches long and tipping the scales at 5 ounces. :)
We had our 16 week appointment on Friday. We got to hear the heart beat again. That's always the best part of the appointment! Baby's heart rate was at 151 bpm. Which is right in the normal range. Again, everything is looking and sounding healthy. We had our second trimester blood work, again, to check for any chromosomal abnormalities. The blood work came back negative and all is normal. Its always a relief to get that phone call!
I've begun to feel movement now for the last 3 weeks. Its the most awesome thing ever. :) I wasn't sure what I was feeling at first, but knew it was different that anything I had felt before. I went about 10 days between the first and second movement, which was a little worry some. I did some research and found that its pretty normal to go a while between movements, esp so early in the pregnancy. With first pregnancies, most people don't feel anything until about 18 weeks. I guess I was pretty lucky to start feeling them early! I also called my Dr. and he assured me that everything was fine. I am now feeling movement everyday. Its mostly in the morning, when I am having breakfast and then in the evening, as I am getting ready for bed. Its just the most amazing thing, as well as very re-assuring.
Brian is a little disappointed that he can't feel anything yet. But hopefully within the next couple weeks, as the baby gets bigger, the movement will be strong enough for him to feel.
I'm still feeling great, and have a ton more energy. I have now started to gain a little weight. My first trimester I lost 4 pounds, but it appears that I have gained that 4 pounds back. I am still wearing all my normal clothes, but I know the end is getting closer and closer...
I have finally made it back into the gym. Yay! Its been nice to get back into the routine of working out. Although, my workouts are nothing like before, but it still feels good.
We are only a couple weeks out from that half way point. I will be 20 weeks on December 20th. It also means we are coming up on our next ultrasound. For most people it would be the ultrasound to reveal the gender. We, however, are waiting for our little baby's grand entrance, to see if its a boy or girl. As hard as it is, we rather wait for the surprise! We will have our ultrasound on December 21st. So, stay tuned for baby bump and ultrasound pictures! 
Brian and I started our baby registry at Target. It was a little overwhelming. They don't have much in the gender neutral area, but we made it work, and were able to find some things.
Alright, bye for now. Love you all!