Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday, November 18th, 2012: Over the last 2 weeks, my nauseousness and queasiness has subsided. I am getting energy back, more and more each week. And I have also, not thrown up for 2 weeks. Its becoming more and more the "honeymoon" phase of my pregnancy that people always talk about. I finally have more of an appetite to eat healthier. Rather than choking and gagging it down before, I tend to have more cravings for healthy food.

As of today, I am 15 weeks and 3 days. The baby is about the size of an avocado, 4 to 5 inches from head to romp, and weighing 3 to 5 oz. Although the baby's eyelids are still fused together, it can start to sense light and the tiny bones in the baby's ear are in place making it able to hear now. I am starting to get a little baby bump. Looks more like I just ate a big meal. I am still able to wear my normal jeans and other clothes.

Now that we are all up to date. Stay tuned for more. :)