Friday, May 17, 2013

I am still pregnant and at 41 weeks and 1 day. We have had a number of doctor visits over the last few weeks to track my progress, or lack there of. They told me I was going to be late, but, that it was completely normal for a smooth first pregnancy. May 8th, we went in for our 40 weeks appointment and despite all my efforts to get labor going, the doctor told me I was only 1cm dilated.  We left scheduling an appointment for May 17th to do an ultrasound and non-stress test to make sure everything with the baby was still okay.
Between Monday and today, Friday, I have continued to try everything to get things going and make some progress. My mom and I have amped up our walking to almost 7 miles a day. I bounce on the exercise ball every night, I have eaten eggplant numerous times, been drinking raspberry leaf tea (sounds yummy, but its not, don't try it), having sex (I know that's probably TMI), eating pineapple and strawberries.
So, today rolls around, and still no baby. The ultrasound had a little bit of good and a little bit of unexpected news. The good news is that the baby is showing no signs of stress, therefore, we didn't not have to do the non-stress test. The baby was moving great and breathing well. The unexpected news is that the amniotic fluid is low. The way the doctor explained it was, that if the fluid is measuring at 6 cm they start to watch the fluid closely. If its at 5cm they start to plan a C-section, and obviously anything lower than that, its an emergency C-section and the baby needs to be delivered asap. I am measuring at 6.1cm. They also re-checked me and despite all my efforts, I am still only 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Therefore, they have decided to be safe than sorry, and have moved my induction date to Sunday night. The doctor said he thinks that my uterus and cervix might not be transmitting the message to each other to start laboring. I have a lot of contractions but because my cervix isn't thinning out and opening, that's probably why nothings happening.
The induction will start with me going in on Sunday night to start the medication to thin out and open my cervix. Then, they will start me on the Pitocin Monday morning. With being induced they are notorious for being a long, slower, and more drawn out labor, but at least the end is near. Doctor said Tuesday, at the latest, we will have a baby! :)