Sunday, April 21, 2013

Well folks, we are getting near the end. Today marks 37 weeks 3 days!
Baby is around 6 1/2 lbs and is as long as he/she is going to get at about 20-21''. The baby is the size of a watermelon. The baby gains about a half of an ounce per day. Baby is continuing to shed vernix and lanugo from its skin. Which is a white cheese like substance that has been on the baby to protect its skin from the amniotic fluid. In these final weeks the lungs are about the last thing to reach its final stages of development. Although, the lungs are never fully developed until they take their first breath.

As for me, I am still kicking. I feel great. Everybody keeps asking me if I am miserable yet. I do have the back aches, heartburn, swollen feet some days, and a hard time breathing at times, but that's nothing. I can't complain. Its been pretty enjoyable and I am very thankful for that. I am going to miss being pregnant, but I can't wait to see this little peanut!
I have been going to my weekly visits with the OB. Baby is still head down and staying in the right position. I still have not had any Braxton Hicks contractions yet. They told me its totally normal and some don't get any until the last week and even the last few days of their pregnancy. 

Just want to remind everybody that it's not too late to mail in your guesses for the baby pool. Its been so fun to get and see the guesses from those of you that have sent them in. Also, I want to clarify its $2/guess/category. So, if you guessed for each category (day, time, weight, and length), you would send $8. Also, don't count the gender in your amount total. That will only be used in case of a tie.

35 Weeks 5 Days

36 Weeks 1 Day

Almost finished, just waiting for the shades to arrive

36 Weeks 2 Days