Sunday, February 10, 2013

Well folks ... 3rd trimester! Today marks 27 weeks 3 days. We are down to double digits days, 88(ish) days to go!

Baby's weighing about 2.5lbs and measuring 16 inches from head to heel. This week the baby continues to increase his/her brainwave activity. Baby is starting to REM sleep, which means dreaming has started for our little peanut. I wonder what they dream about?

Hiccups, coughing, sucking, and swallowing are all mastered at this point. I now know the difference between the movement/kicking and the hiccups. Baby seems to have them at least once a day. I read that babies don't seem to notice the hiccups, many of them sleep right through. They typically only last 30 seconds.

Last Wednesday morning I woke up in lots of pain and could barely move. Turns out I pulled a muscle in the upper left part on my back while I was sleeping.  They just told me to use a heating pad, and have Brian massage it. It gets better as each day passes.

I did my glucose test on Friday. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was pretty easy to drink. I made sure to put it in the fridge; I heard its better cold. It tasted like flat orange soda. It did leave me with a tummy ache, since I had to fast for 12 hours prior. It was very sugary! We are just waiting for the results. I'm not sure if they will call us with the results or wait until our appt on Friday.

My wonderful co-worker, Bethany, is throwing me a work baby shower on 03.03.13. I am looking forward to that in a few weeks. It should be fun.

Well, I can't think of anything else new. I'll leave you with a couple more pictures. :)

25 Weeks 5 Days

26 Weeks 3 Days

27 Weeks 1 Day