Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday, November 18th, 2012: Over the last 2 weeks, my nauseousness and queasiness has subsided. I am getting energy back, more and more each week. And I have also, not thrown up for 2 weeks. Its becoming more and more the "honeymoon" phase of my pregnancy that people always talk about. I finally have more of an appetite to eat healthier. Rather than choking and gagging it down before, I tend to have more cravings for healthy food.

As of today, I am 15 weeks and 3 days. The baby is about the size of an avocado, 4 to 5 inches from head to romp, and weighing 3 to 5 oz. Although the baby's eyelids are still fused together, it can start to sense light and the tiny bones in the baby's ear are in place making it able to hear now. I am starting to get a little baby bump. Looks more like I just ate a big meal. I am still able to wear my normal jeans and other clothes.

Now that we are all up to date. Stay tuned for more. :)

Friday, September 26th, 2012: We had our first prenatal visit to the doctor. It was our 8 week appointment. We had our first ultrasound and got to see our growing baby, technically still called a fetus, for the first time. It was so amazing! Although, it doesn't really look anything like a baby, it was ours and very surreal to see. We saw its tiny little heart beating away. We also got the best news, the baby is growing correctly, and that everything looked healthy and normal.
A few days later, we also got my blood work back from the lab. Everything was good! :)

Friday, October 26th, 2012: We had our second prenatal visit, which was our 12 week check-up. We got our second ultra-sound to see the baby, and also do the measurements for any chromosomal abnormalities. This time our baby, looked like a baby! :) Not only did we get to see the heart beat, but we also got to hear it for the first time! Our ultrasound tech said the heart looked very good. She also told us that the baby is measuring a little bit bigger than typical for this stage. But assured us that this was a very good thing and means the baby is getting all the nutrients it needs. I was very relived to hear this news. I was having pretty bad morning sickness, which really was all day. I was always nauseous and queasy. I would throw up almost every morning and evening. So to hear that everything was still great and the baby was measuring so well, it was very much a relief!
We also did additional blood work to further confirm that there were no chromosomal abnormalities. Those results came back negative and completely normal.
We decided that it was finally time to spread the good news. :)
Hello Family and Friends :)

Welcome to our baby blog. I thought this blog would be a great way to keep our family and close friends updated with my pregnancy and our baby. Its a way to keep you all informed at the same time, without anyone feeling left out. I hope you guys find this as a fun way to stay connected to us. But, I would like to ask one favor. I would like to keep website address private, and I am asking that you please don't give this website out to anyone other than family. Brian and I really want to keep this as private and intimate as possible. Hence why, I have still yet to post anything on Facebook. I feel like most people on there don't need to know all the details. :) Feel free to comment or email us at

I'll start at the beginning to fill you all in.

Thursday, August 30th, 2012: After work I went to get groceries for our camping trip that we were going on with our neighbors, for Labor Day weekend. I had been getting all the symptoms that I was going to start soon, but for some reason, something just felt a little different, and I decided to pick up a pregnancy test. I knew that it was really early, and that I should probably wait until the morning, when the tests are most accurate, to take it. I couldn't wait. I had to take the test. While waiting the couple of minutes, I kept thinking that this would be the best birthday present ever, if it came out positive. And sure shit, it was POSITIVE! I was shocked. We had only been trying since July. I had always hoped it was going to happen quickly, but things have never really come easy for me. I was thinking it was going to take us a while. I started to laugh, giggle, and cry, all out of excitement and shock. However, like most women, I didn't trust the first test. I proceeded to put my groceries way and started cooking a few items for camping. All with a smile on my face. I kept looking at the clock and checking my phone; waiting to get that text from Brian saying that he was on his way home. The text finally came. I knew I had about 25 minutes before he would pull in the driveway. I finished my cooking, and cleaned up the kitchen. I took the second test. It was also positive. I knew I was cutting it close on time. I grabbed a piece of paper, the two tests, and wrote a sign for Brian:

He came home. I told him I made him something, and it was on the kitchen counter. He bee lined it to the kitchen, assuming it was food or dessert. I started filming... To sum it all up, he was shocked, excited, and teary eyed. He asked if this was for real. I laughed and said "yes, it does say positive, right?". It truly was the best birthday present ever! We were so excited, but this was going to be really hard to keep it a secret. Before I went to bed, I looked up a pregnancy calculator. I put in all the info; I was 3 1/2 weeks pregnant. And I saw I am due in May. Just a couple days shy of Mothers Day and our 3rd anniversary! It couldn't be more prefect. :)